I would eat ......... 24/7 if I could get away with it. desert dessert deserts assert
My friend said she doesn't ......... any foreign languages. no knew know now
We took the kids swimming all morning. Now ......... completely exhausted. they're there their them
My friend's dog always chases ......... tail. their theirs it's its
Every time I go on a trip, I leave my dog in a .......... channel cannel canal kennel
The ......... of my school was overwhelmingly strict. principal principle principality prince
The chocolate chip cookies are on ......... five. I'll isle aisle island
There are millions of ......... people in third-world countries. purr poor pour pore
Christina loves to .........! so soul sew sow
Hey Tom, how's the ......... in Tulsa today? wither whether feather weather