We often hear that such and such a piece of information cannot be released into the public ......... in the interest of national security. dominion domination domain domestic
Journalists however love to get hold of a story somehow but they run the risk of facing a ......... if they break the official secrects act. back whip backlash backstore back strike
When there is a ......... inquiry taking place, the rush to get more details is intense. high profile high brow high intensity high drama
The more the authorities try to conceal what is happening, the more it fuels ......... about what might be happening. speculative spectacle speciality speculation
Sometimes a journalist will get hold of sensitive information knowing that he will get ......... by government agencies if he dares reveal it. wild torn savaged ravaged
The person in charge of the enquiry will occasionally ......... what can be disclosed in newspapers. signal signify sign seal
Once this disclosure is ......... it's the job of the journalist to follow it through to a satisfactory conclusion. heightened highlighted high pitched hightailed
Mind you it has to be a convincing article because the reading public can soon see through the ......... of a weak argument. clarity clearness transparency transparent
The question must always be in the mind of the writer whether what is being written is likely to ......... a threat to the safety of the community at large. place put start pose
The last possible thing that anyone wants to happen to their country is to turn it into a ......... for troublemakers. port harbour haven location