Interviewer: Perhaps you could start by telling us why you've .......... obtained for this job applied for this job intended for this job asked for this job
Candidate: I think the main reason is because I like working in .......... the free air the clear air the pure air the open air
Interviewer: You mean you like the idea of an office with .......... air control air managment air conditioning air condition
Candidate: I'm sorry I don't understand what you're .......... in about on about for about off about
Interviewer: I should have thought this was .......... clear obvious mostly obvious pretty obvious mainly obvious
Candidate: Not to me, .......... it isn't it can't be it won't be it will be
Interviewer: I think there must be a mistake, I .......... put it you're Mr Johnson take it you're Mr Johnson place it you're Mr Johnson try it you're Mr Johnson
Candidate: I'm Mr Jensen. I'm afraid it's a case of .......... mistaken personality mistaken character mistaken person mistaken identity
Interviewer: So you're not after the job of guardian, .......... I presume I pretend I prefer I preview
Candidate: No, sorry as I said I like working outside, I want to be a gardener, .......... if you don't care if you don't agree if you don't mind if you don't see