......... tax is based and calculated on the amount of money you earn per year. Salary Earning Income Work
New road or highway taxes are called .......... trays tills tools tolls
Products that come in from other countries are often subjected to ......... taxes. import abroad foreigner alien
Governments often impose taxes called ......... on products that come into and leave a country. liberties discharges tariffs releases
In some countries, people have to pay taxes on money or items that they receive from loved ones who've passed away and this is called an ......... tax. genetic biological inheritance death
......... or sumptuary taxes are meant to discourage people from purchasing certain unhealthy goods such as cigarettes and alcohol. Sin Wrongdoing Offense Transgression
Nowadays, certain companies have to pay ......... taxes that are imposed when greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere. oxygen smoke fume carbon
......... are the people who pay taxes in a country. Philanthropists Collectors Shoppers Taxpayers
......... taxes are imposed on land and home owners. Location Property Premises Place
He pays a lot of income tax because he's in the highest tax .......... boundary scope bracket edge