This bike trail is ......... it's not straight at all! curvy burnt skinny fat
This alleyway is very .......... Why did you tell me that it was wide before? narrow short clean empty
Justin is .......... Unfortunately, he is not rich. dirty wet fancy poor
Carrie is very kind, but her sister, Stephanie, is .......... silly mean friendly tall
Babies are often .......... They are not quiet most of the time. full clean noisy short
That desk is very .......... It's an antique, so it's not cheap. dull shiny expensive full
This house is .......... It's not clean at all! empty dry filthy thick
The pavement is still wet because it just rained. It's not ........., so don't forget to wear your shoes. dry plain thick thin
I need gas because my tank is almost .......... It's far from full and we're going to run out of gasoline soon. wet empty fat sharp
Kimberlie is .......... She is not fat, but she thinks she is overweight. thin thick heavy tall