The Ultimate Guide to Student Slang: How English Students Express Themselves

English students have their own set of slang words and expressions that reflect their experiences and camaraderie. In this article, we delve into the exciting world of student slang and explore how English students use it to navigate their educational journey.

If you have a dream or a plan to enter university in any English-speaking country, use the list of these expressions as a guide to the students' community.

Cram session — intense studying before an exam or deadline.

Procrastination station — engaging in non-academic activities instead of studying.

Dormcest — romantic relationships between students living in the same dormitory.

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) — the fear of not being included in social events or experiences.

Lecture nap — a brief nap during a boring lecture.

Textbook ninja — a student who excels at finding online resources instead of purchasing textbooks.

Dank — something cool, impressive, or of high quality.

Party animal — a person who is known for their active participation in social events and parties.

Sesh — a short form for "session", referring to a gathering or get-together.

Broke college student — an English expression used to describe students who are financially struggling.

Student slang is a dynamic and ever-evolving aspect of student culture, enabling English students to connect, communicate, and navigate the challenges and joys of academic life.

Visit this article to find out how to prepare for a university interview.

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