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Charlie Sheen Once Bought 2,600+ Outfield Seats At An Angels' Game Because He Wanted To Catch A Home Run Ball

Charlie Sheen has been making a bit of news this week with outlandish comments on TV and radio appearances, but his bizarre behavior is nothing new.

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FRBs: Mystery repeating radio signals discovered emanating from unknown cosmic source

Repeating radio signals coming from a mystery source far beyond the Milky Way have been discovered by scientists. While one-off fast radio bursts (FRBs) have been detected in the past, this is the first time multiple signals have been detected coming from the same place in space.

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Christian Atheism

Christian Atheists, or non-realistic Christians, want to remove what they see as the fairy tale elements of Christianity.

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Day care workers charged with running toddler ‘Fight Club’

Two employees of a New Jersey day care center instigated “Fight Club”-style brawls between the toddlers and shared footage of the pint-sized pugilists on Snapchat, prosecutors said Tuesday.

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It's been 15 years since Christian Bale brought the serial killer (?) and charismatic, Huey Lewis-obsessed Wall Street yuppie Patrick Bateman to our screens.

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Giant Tortoises

I look on the hieroglyph, weaving a dream…
While the dark giant tortoise crept on 'mid their stems,
Never heeding the plash of the bright-dropping gems.

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Borat parody mistakenly played for Kazakh gold medalist

Kazakhstan sharpshooter Mariya Dmitrienko stood with her hand on her heart and a gold medal around her neck expecting to hear her country's national anthem at an international shooting championship in Kuwait Friday.

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Netherlands Close Eight Prisons Due To Lack Of Criminals

As prison populations surge in the UK, with overcrowded cells and repeat offenders, the opposite is happening in the Netherlands.

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12 Year Old Boy Collects 160,000 Plastic Bottles After School To Raise Money For Orphans

Orphans, whose parents died of AIDS, play a game at the Zhonghua Red Ribbon Home, an orphanage Sun Huixi collected bottles to help build.

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Shaq: 'Did I Retire Too Early? Yes.'

Shaquille O'Neal is one of the greatest to have ever been in the NBA, but we know him as much more than a basketball player.

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