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Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan

The oldest hotel in the world has been operated by the same family for over 1,300 years, even catering to samurai

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Elephants recognize the voices of their enemies

African elephants can distinguish human languages, genders and ages associated with danger.

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Fuel tanks jettisoned by U.S. fighter jets during Vietnam were repurposed into canoes

Fighter jets will jettison their external fuel tanks when they are dry or if they engage in air-to-air combat.

Vietnamese farmers turned the fuel tanks jettisoned by U.S. fighter jets during Vietnam into makeshift boats.

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How a movie changed one man's vision forever

Bruce Bridgeman lived with a flat view of the world, until a trip to the cinema unexpectedly rewired his brain to see the world in 3D. The question is how it happened.

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New Minnesota Vikings stadium construction cost more than NASA’s trip to Pluto

The cost to construct NFL stadiums has reached an astronomical level — literally.

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Found: An Intricate 17th-Century Map, Stuffed Into a Chimney

Conservators were able to save parts of the map.

Towards the end of the 1600s, when the map was made, it would have been a prized possession. Seven feet by five feet, backed by canvas, it showed the whole world, with views of magnificent cities running along its sides.

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Why Samuel Adams supports its competitors

Jim Koch is chairman of Boston Beer, a pioneer of the craft-beer movement and brewer of Samuel Adams. The business, which Koch founded in 1984, had $739 million in revenue last year.

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Grenade hero awarded George Cross

L/Cpl Matthew Croucher with his backpack, torn by the grenade

A Royal Marine who threw himself on a grenade to save his comrades' lives is to receive the George Cross.

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An Invader Advances in Hawaii

Kauai Invasive Species Committee Mongooses have non-retractable claws that enable them to dig for insects and pry apart eggs.

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Government says four cancer charities are shams

Washington (CNN)In a rare joint action with attorneys general for each of the 50 states, the Federal Trade Commission says four cancer charities run by extended members of the same family conned donors out of $187 million from 2008 through 2012 and spent almost nothing to help actual cancer patients.

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