Music Slang Dictionary

Let’s explore some English terms and expressions that are commonly used in the music industry.

Main music terms

Gig — a live performance or a show.
Chops — a musician's technical ability, particularly on their instrument.
Jam — an informal musical session, where musicians come together to play and improvise.
Lick — a short musical phrase or riff that is often repeated.
Bridge — this section of a song contrasts the verses and choruses.
Groove — the rhythmic feel or pattern of a song.
Head — the main melody or theme of a song.
Chord changes — the sequence of chords used in a song.
Fill — a short musical passage played between phrases or sections of a song.
Riff — a short repeated musical phrase, often used as a hook or foundation for a song.

English expressions from the music industry

Gun for hire — a musician or an artist, who works as a freelancer to create a piece of music for different studios.

Work for hire — when a company, a studio, or a music supervisor hires a musician or an artist to create a soundtrack, a voice-over, or any other piece of music. Once it’s recorded the hiring company pays the artist and therefore owns the master recording rights.

Buyout — it’s a similar term to the expression “work for hire” with the only difference being that the client can also buy an earlier recorded piece of music.

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