Gen Y English Slang: Adulting, Slay, And Other Expressions

The language characteristics of Millennials (GenY), who were born roughly between the early 1980s and the middle of the 1990s, reflect their experiences, values, and cultural influences. In this article, we delve into popular English expressions and slang used by Millennials, providing insights into their linguistic world and the trends that define their generation.

Keep it 100

A phrase meaning to be completely honest, genuine, or authentic. It encourages individuals to stay true to themselves and express their opinions or feelings without reservation.

Example: I appreciate it when people keep it 100 and speak their minds.


A term humorously describing the process of acting like a responsible adult and handling the challenges of independent living.

Example: I spent my free days doing laundry and grocery shopping. Just adulting.


It refers to being aware, informed, and socially conscious about issues related to social justice and equality.

Example: She's really woke. She's always advocating for important causes.


An intensifier used to emphasize the truth or accuracy of a statement. It is often used for dramatic effect, even if not meant in a strictly literal sense.

Example: I'm so hungry, I could literally eat a horse.


A term used to describe someone or something that is unoriginal, mainstream, or lacking in originality or depth. It refers to conforming to popular trends or adhering to conventional norms.

Example: She's always wearing the same clothes as everyone else. So basic.


An English slang word that is used to describe someone who is incredibly successful, impressive, or fashionable. It signifies accomplishing something exceptionally well or looking stunning.

Example: She slayed her presentation. It was flawless!

Follow the link to learn English expressions that are created by Gen Z.

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