ESL Writing Activities For Young Learners

Teaching writing to kids is a challenge, but teaching writing in a foreign language can be even more challenging. However, it is not a reason to give up practicing this skill. Let's have a look at a few activities that can help a child start enjoying writing tasks and practice fluency not only during conversations but on paper as well.

Plot The Ending

This activity would be perfect for students who have a Beginner or Elementary level in English.

Prepare a few sentences considering the vocabulary and grammar structure you studied before. Keep one copy to yourself and customize the other one by taking away the word or the phrase at the end. Let children decide on the ending. Once they fill in the gaps you may check your own version with the creation of your little students.

Example: I have a big red _______. (Beginner level)
Peter likes to eat _________. (Elementary level)

Letter From The Past

This activity would be just perfect for teenagers or those who went beyond the Elementary level. Ask your students to write a letter to the future version of themselves. You may give them a prompt to cover a few topics like jobs, houses, family, and studies. They can also structure a letter using Past Simple Tense to describe their past or modals to speak about possible future and how they see themselves in a decade or so.

Example: Dear Jane
I am you but way younger. A year ago I finished primary school and realized my careless childhood had ended.

Team Writing

If you have a chance to create a tiny classroom (at least 3 participants) of kids this activity would be a great way to encourage a whole team to write in English. Give a pattern as a sentence for the beginning of the story. For example “There is a little house in the woods, where…”. Let children take turns and add a sentence one after the other. Let this story move around until it starts reaching the end. Then it’s up to you whether you finish the story yourself or give each student an offer for his or her ending or simply follow the sequence of writing and let one of them bring in the final word.

Practice more skills in English with a fun collection of games you may find here.

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