6 Steps To Do A Digital Detox

Being online permanently can truly harm our physical and mental health. Let’s explore pleasant ways to have a proper rest from digital life.

Unplug from social media

Before your digital detox, gradually reduce your screen time to make it easier to disconnect. Taking a break from social media platforms can help you relax and recharge. You can try deleting social media apps from your phone or setting a time limit for using them daily.

Turn off notifications

Consider turning off notifications for non-essential apps and email accounts to keep focused on prioritized tasks.

Have a day or two offline

Inform family, friends, and colleagues that you will be offline for a certain period. Set up an out-of-office message, if necessary, and ensure you complete all the important tasks for work or personal commitments.

Go outside

Spending time in nature can be a great way to disconnect from technology and reconnect with the world around you. Take a walk or hike, go camping, or spend time in your backyard or local park.

Enjoy offline activities

This could include reading a book, doing some exercise, going for a walk, cooking a meal, or spending time with friends and family. Simply enjoy the moment.


After your digital detox, reflect on your experience and what you learned. Consider making some changes to your digital habits to maintain a healthy balance between technology and the rest of your life.

To find the best English book for your digital detox activity, follow the link.

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