5 Modern English Expressions For Business People
Business English is not only about formal language. Today you’ll find out what expressions make any business conversation more vibrant.
Flat Out
“To be flat out” means “to be so busy” that you don’t even have time for a break. This modern expression can easily substitute the idiom “to be snowed under”.
Example: Next week I am going to be flat out. We have our big customer visiting the company.
To Bank On
This expression confirms that you are sure about something to happen.
Example: We’re banking on everybody being back on remote mode. The infection level is raising daily.
Wing It
Have you ever given a presentation without preparing to do it? If you had such an experience, it means you winged it.
Example: I left my speech at home. Guess I’ll have to wing it.
To Brush Up On
This idiomatic phrasal verb fits perfectly in formal and informal conversations. If you feel like you are not very good at something and need to improve your skills, feel free to use “brush up on it”. It is a soft way to show that you admit to lacking some knowledge in a particular field, but at the same time, you’re willing to refresh what you’ve learned before or get a bit of tutoring on that.
Example: Sarah needs to brush up on her French before we go on a business trip to Paris. She would be a great help there.
Train Of Thought
Have you ever caught yourself in a moment when you suddenly forgot the main idea of your speech and fell into deep pause? When it happens we say: my train of thought has been disrupted.
Example: Sorry, I have lost my train of thought. What was I talking about?
Learn Business English vocabulary with joy. Turn a lesson into a game, which you may find in this article.
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