5 commonly used English proverbs

An English proverb is a short statement that delivers a wise thought, life advice, or a truth. We collected 5 English proverbs that are frequently used among native speakers. Add them to your everyday conversation and surprise your friends and colleagues with wise sayings.

Great minds think alike

This proverb describes smart people who share the same ideas. Example:
I knew we would make a great team.
Great minds think alike.

Love is blind

This proverb sounds quite literal. When we are in love with somebody we tend not to notice our partners weaknesses and imperfections. Example:
How can these two stand each other for so long?
Love is blind.

Dont count your chickens before they hatch

This wise statement tells us to be careful with quick decisions and plans and create no conclusions or expectations until all the details are clear. Example:
I am going to accept this job offer and take a loan from the bank eventually.
Dont count your chickens before they hatch. Make sure you trust the employer.

It never rains, but it pours

When we sayits pouringwe talk about heavy rain. The wordrainin this proverb stands for bad luck. It means bad luck never comes alone, usually bad things happen at once. Example:
Yesterday I was late for the meeting because my car broke down right in the middle of the traffic line. I couldnt call anybody, because my phone died. It was a disaster!
Oh dear! It never rains, but it pours.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

To achieve a goal, you need to start with something. Feel free to describe your progress in learning the English language with this proverb. Every little step leads to success. Example:
She used to have a small stationery store on the outskirts of her hometown. Now she is the CEO of a famous brand, which stationery products we buy everywhere.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Follow the link to learn the most common phrasal verbs withcheck”.

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