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учебники на английском,

Lena Lyamina
Hello everybody! I hope someone can help me!
I've been looking for an online library with modern books but I can't find any,only classics((( Maybe you know where can I find books of modern authors for free reading and/or downloading?
I'm especially interested in Kate Long and Jacqueline Wilson!

Thank you!!

PS And please sorry if I did any mistakes!=)
Polina Nikishina
Me too, try to find Charles de Lint books, but failed.
Sorry for my grammar.=)
Dmitriy Malaniya
Lena Lyamina
are there books in english? i thought in russian only=)

Полина \F.Y.F.\ Никишина -it's okay,many of us are just studying yet=)
Vladimir Krivoshlykov
It is not of online library but I thinking that it was very useful for you.
Dmitriy Malaniya
There are books in English(e.g. J.R.R.Tolkin, Steve and etc), I have MyHomeLib with books base, it's about 28Gb(3188 authors, 200000 books).
Evgeny Butorin

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