Текст на английском языке: how English affects the way we think

Learning a new language not only affects your intelligence. It also affects your mind, and here is why.

Language and culture go together

You cannot learn the language without learning at least something about its culture. Thats why, when speaking a different language or even reading anything on the Internet, we take over some cultural features. We even start to think differently. Moreover, English has words and phrases that dont have any popular analogues in Russian.

And of course, while speaking English and meeting its native speakers, we start to understand their history and their problems more.

A chance to be a different person

Speaking another language makes us think and even act in a new way. We can freely say something that we would be too shy or scared to say in our language. It happens because English words dont that emotional coloring for us. So its easier to act like a slightly different person. We can also imitate some of our favorite British or American characters without even knowing it.

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