Свадьба на английском: нужная лексика

В статье вы научитесь говорить о свадьбе на английском языке.

To get married – пожениться.
This couple is going to get married this month.

Bride – невеста
The bride often wears a wedding gown or a wedding dress.

Groom – жених
The groom often wears a tuxedo or a suit.

Wedding anniversary – годовщина свадьбы на английском
It’s our wedding anniversary next year.

Maid of honor – подружка невесты, свидетельница
A made of honor is a woman selected by the bride to assist her.

The best man – шафер, свидетель
The best man helps the groom.

Bridesmaids – подружки невесты
Bridesmaids are supposed to support the bride.

A matching dress – платье подружки невесты.
Bridesmaids wear matching dresses.

Groomsmen – друзья жениха
Groomsmen usually make toasts.

A tuxedo (a tux) – смокинг
A tuxedo is a traditional wedding suit for the groom.

Wedding party – друзья жениха и невесты
A wedding party consists of bridesmaids and groomsmen.

Wedding band / wedding ring – обручальное кольцо
You may exchange your wedding rings.

Cold feet – свадебный мандраж
It looks like Alice is starting to get cold feet.

Reception – свадебный обед
Much fewer guests were invited to the reception.

Newlyweds – молодожены
The newlyweds are going to Hawaii after the ceremony.

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