IELTS Writing Task 2: лексика для эссе на тему “Technology”

В этой статье вы найдете подборку английских слов и выражений, которые будут полезны при написании эссе на тему “Technology”.

Technology — технология.
This essay will discuss the impact of technology on modern society.

Technological advancements — технологические достижения.
With the rapid technological advancements in recent years, the world has witnessed significant changes in various aspects of life.

In today's digital age, … — В цифровую эпоху наших дней …

Пример из эссе: In today's digital age, technology plays a crucial role in shaping how we live, work, and communicate with one another.

Обсуждение поднятой проблемы

Artificial intelligence — искусственный интеллект.
The essay will explore the potential benefits and challenges of artificial intelligence in various industries.

Internet of Things — Интернет вещей.
The Internet of Things has revolutionized how devices and objects are interconnected, transforming the way we interact with technology.

Пример из эссе: The essay will explore the potential benefits and challenges of artificial intelligence in various industries, as well as the implications of the Internet of Things on daily life.

Выражение согласия

Firstly, … — Прежде всего, …
Moreover/Furthermore, … — Более того, …
On the one hand, … — С одной стороны, …
On the other hand, … — С другой стороны, …
It is evident that … — Очевидно, что …

Пример из эссе: Firstly, artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize various industries, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. Moreover, it is evident that advancements in machine learning and automation can streamline processes and reduce human errors.

Предоставление примеров

For instance / For example, … — Например, …
In particular, … — В частности …

Пример из эссе: For instance, artificial intelligence is widely used in the healthcare industry to analyse vast amounts of medical data and assist in diagnosing diseases more accurately.

Выражение несогласия

However, … — Однако …
Nevertheless, … — Тем не менее …
Despite this, … — Несмотря на это …
Some argue that … — Некоторые утверждают, что …

Пример из эссе: However, some argue that the increasing reliance on artificial intelligence could lead to job displacement and unemployment in certain industries.

Внедрение данных статистики

According to … — Согласно …
Statistics show that … — Статистика показывает, что …
Research has indicated that … — Исследования указывают на то, что …

Пример из эссе: According to recent statistics, the implementation of renewable energy sources has significantly reduced carbon emissions and contributed to a more sustainable future.


In conclusion, … — В заключение …
To sum up, … — Подводя итог, …
It is evident that … — Очевидно, что …

Пример из эссе: In conclusion, the rapid advancement of technology has significantly impacted society, transforming various industries and shaping the way we live and communicate.

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