Анекдоты →
- Six people were on a plane
- The absolved
- What's the difference between a nun and a woman
- Two nuns turn up at the fruit market and ask the veggie man
- What is the fastest way to get a nun pregnant?
- Jesus has risen
- What do you get when you cross a Jehovah Witness and an atheist?
- A Rabbi and a Priest were sitting together on a train
- ZHow offensive is that?
- What was the First Commandment?
- What do you give the paedophile who has everything?
- Heaven and smoking
- What was the first thing Adam said to Eve ?
- Do you know what happens if you don't pay your exorcist?
- A minister was asked by a politician
- The new Vicar was up early one Sunday morning
- A young priest, who is still unsure of the penance to dole out
- Is there a God?
- GOD will save me
- There was an old woman on a plane, sitting next to the Pope