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405 - Buying Computer Accessories

Ginger: It's really nice of you to come with me to buy my computer. This is the desktop I'm thinking about.

Kevin: This is okay, but if I were you, I'd buy a laptop. It's more versatile. You can travel with it.

Ginger: I'm not sure about getting a laptop. The screen is so small.

Kevin: No problem. You can get a separate monitor. This is a good one. You just need a connector and a cable to hook it up to your laptop. Here's a monitor stand, too, so you can elevate it if you want to.

Ginger: The speakers on the laptop aren't very loud.

Kevin: You can get these great speakers. You plug them into your laptop and the sound is amazing.

Ginger: I'm not sure about the battery.

Kevin: It comes with a battery that lasts three to five hours, but you can always buy a spare. Of course, it comes with a power cord, too, so you can just plug it in if your battery runs low.

Ginger: The keyboard is a little cramped, too.

Kevin: That's what a full-size keyboard is for. You can buy a separate keyboard and mouse and attach them to your laptop. It'll be just like having a desktop.

Ginger: Then why don't I just buy a desktop?

Kevin: If you do, you won't be able to buy all of these great accessories. That's half the fun of buying a new computer!

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