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Nike — Reasons JUST DO IT

I'm too weak too slow too big I ate too much for breakfast I got a headache it's raining my dog is sick I cant right now I'm not inspired makes me smell bad I'm allergic to stuff I'm fat I'm thin it's too hot I'm not right I've got shin splints headache I'm distracted I exerted myself too much I'd love to really but I can't.

I just can't my favorite show is on I've got a case of the Mondays the Tuesdays the Wednesdays I don't want to do this I want to do something else after new years next week might make a mistake I've got homework I feel bloated I have gas I got a hot date my coach hates me my mom won't let me I bruise easily it's too dark it's too cold my blister hurts this is dangerous uuuuhh sorry I don't have a bike.

I didn't get enough sleep my tummy hurts it's not in my genes I don't want to look all tired out I need a better coach I don't like getting tackled I have a stomach ache I'm not the athletic type I don't want to get sweaty I have better things to do I don't want to slow you down do I have to do this soon as I get a promotion I think I'll sit this one out and my feet hurt.

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