adj. lustful; wicked; vulgar; obscene lewd superficial problematic munificent
adj. showing disrespect or scorn for; contemptible; ridiculous; contemptuous impudent debonair derisive nugatory
adj. with passionate or intense feelings; fervent; zealous; enthusiastic fallacious sanguine estimable ardent
adj. quarrelsome; controversial; argumentative novel flagrant detached contentious
adj. traveling gently over surface; flickering; fluttering; playful hefty lambent bereft wan
n. act of rejoicing; joy; gaiety; glee exultation throe fidelity deposition
adj. spreading throughout; extending; suffusing hypothetical inept pervasive dissonant
adj. smaller than average; minute; tiny diminutive inarticulate nefarious laggard
adj. disgusting due to excess; crude; repulsive; offensive obdurate fulsome serrated cacophonous
adj. part of the essential character; intrinsic; inborn; natural affable discrete diffuse inherent