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6 Steps To Do A Digital Detox

Being online permanently can truly harm our physical and mental health. Let’s explore pleasant ways to have a proper rest from digital life.

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5 Iconic American Animals

Due to its diverse nature America is proud of being home to many unique animals. Let’s find out more about the iconic ones.

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6 Must-Visit Festivals In Britain

If you plan to visit Britain but still can’t decide on the best season or month, have a look at the list of the festivals that are held in the country annually.

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The Benefits of Bilingualism

Bilingualism is the ability to speak and understand two languages fluently. Let’s explore the advantages of being bilingual.

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6 Fascinating Facts About The Great Gatsby

"The Great Gatsby" is a classic novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Despite being appreciated by many readers nowadays it was not a commercial success during Fitzgerald's lifetime. Let’s explore more fascinating facts about the novel, its characters, and the writer.

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The Importance of Education in the USA

American Education is designed to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills needed for particular business fields. Therefore, one of the primary roles of education in American society is to prepare individuals for the workforce.

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Profitable Startup Ideas In The USA

During the pandemic, many people found a way to become successful entrepreneurs thanks to their simple but successful ideas. Let’s find out what business in the States may bring you profit nowadays.

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8 Fascinating Facts About Silicon Valley

California attracts many migrants not only for its pleasant climate and gorgeous seaside scenery. One of the world’s biggest techno hubs was also built within the borders of the Western state. Let’s explore what makes Silicon Valley so special.

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The Rise of Hip Hop: From Street Culture to Global Phenomenon

Artists like Snoop Dogg and Tupac Shakur are easily recognized by hip-hop fans in every country of the world. Let’s dig into the history of phenomenal culture created in poor communities in the USA.

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Music Slang Dictionary

Let’s explore some English terms and expressions that are commonly used in the music industry.

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